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Event Logic

The Event Logic dialog provides two independent logic events (EL and EL2) that provide means for testing the order of occurrence of the selected events. Using the event logic, the camera can detect direction of motion or other combinations of events, thus reducing false alarms as much as possible

Note: If the logic events EL and EL2 should be used for filtering actions and messages, you should not use any "regular" events (Event Settings dialog), but only the logic events EL or EL2, respectively.

General Settings

Event Dead Time

The Event Dead Time prevents new events from triggering after an event has been detected. This deadtime only governs the two logical events EL and EL2 defined on this dialog.

Defining Logical Events

The event logic provides two independent logic events (EL and EL2), each of which can be tested for the order of occurrence of the selected events. The event is triggered if one of the events selected in Event Set A and one of the events selected in Event Set B occur within the specified Maximum Time Window. The order of occurrence is optional; it does not necessarily be part of the evaluation (see below).

Note: Events in the event lists that are displayed gray and in parentheses are deactivated; if you intend to use them, configure the desired events in the Event Settings dialog.

The EL event (or EL2, respectively) will only be triggered if the interval set in Minimum Delay passes between the occurrence of events specified in the two Event Lists.

When used in conjunction with the VM and VM2 video motion detectors or other suitable sensors, the camera can start actions, send messages and record images depending on the direction of motion, for example.

Parameter Description
Event Logic Enable

Activate the event logic if you would like to trigger alarms and recording using this event. The event logic checks if one of the events selected in Event Set A and one of the events selected in Event Set B occur with the specified Order of Occurrence.

Maximum Time Window Set the maximum length of the time window in which one of the events selected in the second event list has to occur.
Values: 1 second to 15 minutes
Event Set A

Highlight the desired events in the Event List. Hold the [Ctrl] key pressed to select more than one event.

All selected events are AND-linked, i.e. only one of the selected events has to occur for an event list to become true.

Order of Occurrence Set the desired order in which one of the events selected in Event Set A and one of the events selected in Event Set B should occur to trigger the event:
A -> B Triggers the logical event only if one of the events selected in Event Set A occurs first and (after the Minimum Delay has passed) one of the events selected in Event Set B occurs.
A <-> B Triggers the logical event (regardless of the order in which the events occur) if one of the events selected in an event list occurs and (after the Minimum Delay has passed) one of the events selected in the other event list occurs.
A -> !B Triggers the logical event only if one of the events selected in Event Set A occurs first and (after the Minimum Delay has passed and before the Maximum Time Window has expired) none of the events selected in Event Set B occurs.
Minimum Delay Set the minimum delay, which has to pass before one of the events selected in the second event list is accepted.
Values: 0 to 20 seconds
Event Set B

Highlight the desired events in the Event List. Hold the [Ctrl] key pressed to select more than one event.

All selected events are AND-linked, i.e. only one of the selected events has to occur for an event list to become true.

Event Logic Examples

The following two examples show two solutions that are using the event logic features of the camera.

Example 1: Counting Rejected Parts on a Conveyor Belt

Problem: A reject gate at a specific location on the conveyor belt is used to separate good parts from rejected parts. You would like to count the number of rejected parts.

Solution: Define a VM window on the conveyor belt in front of the reject gate. Define a VM2 window on the rejects conveyor belt behind the reject gate. It is not sufficient to count the VM2 events alone as Employees can also place rejects on the rejects conveyor belt, which are not to be counted. It takes between 10 and 15 seconds for the rejects from the VM window to the VM2 window (depending on the speed of the conveyor belt). All parameters for properly setting up the event logic are now known:

Maximum Time Window 15 seconds
Event Set A VM
Order of Occurrence A -> B
Minimum Delay 10 seconds
Event Set B VM2

Example 2: Granting Access to Persons After Entering a Room

Problem: In order to access the secure area of a museum, persons have to authenticate themselves using a key card within 15 seconds after entering a room; failing to do so will trigger an alarm.

Solution: For detecting the person entering the room, you can use a signal input (SI), for example. The maximum time window needs to be set to 15 seconds. Authentication with a key card (signal input 2) corresponds to Event Set B. If SI2 is not detected within 15 seconds (A -> !B), the camera triggers an alarm. The settings are as follows:

Maximum Time Window 15 seconds
Event Set A SI1
Order of Occurrence A -> !B
Minimum Delay 0 seconds
Event Set B SI2

Storing the Configuration

Click on the Set button to activate your settings and to save them until the next reboot of the camera.

Click on the Close button to close the dialog. While closing the dialog, the system checks the entire configuration for changes. If changes are detected, you will be asked if you would like to store the entire configuration permanently.

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