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Phone Profiles

Using the Phone Profiles dialog, you can create and manage the profiles for calling phone numbers or SIP addresses.

The profiles thus created are used in the Messaging, Messaging 2 and File Server Checks dialogs to send notifications using the Phone Call-Out (CL) action.

Note: This feature is not available for Web and Basic models.

Testing the Phone Profiles

Before testing the phone profiles, make sure that you have stored the modifications by clicking on the Set button. Next, select a profile from the Name list in the Test Profile section and click on the Test button.

Description of Parameters

Parameter Description
Profile name Enter a unique profile name.
Delete To delete a stored profile, click on Remove and confirm your selection by clicking on the Set button.
Phone Number or SIP Address

Enter the phone number for the camera to call.

You can enter multiple phone numbers. The camera then calls the numbers one by one until one of them accepts the call.

Dial Attempts Defines the maximum number of dial retries.
Value range: 1 .. 10.
Dial Timeout Defines the dial timeout between two retries while dialing in seconds.
Add Click this button to enter more phone numbers. The camera then calls the numbers one by one until one call is completed successfully.
Connection type Select the Connection Type that should be used for all numbers in this profile (SIP or ISDN). If you would like to use VoIP for this purpose, activate SIP telephony in the VoIP Settings dialog and enter the appropriate settings (open the VoIP Settings help page to get more information about this topic).
Message name Select one of the audio messages recorded in the Manage Audio Messages dialog.
Confirm call with PIN code Set a PIN to be entered in order to acknowledge this phone call from the camera. If no PIN is entered (e.g. a voice mailbox answers), the camera will call the next phone number on the list.
After the message has been sent
Hangup After the voice message has been played back, the connection is terminated.
Listen After the voice message has been played, the connection remains active and you can listen to what goes on in the room.
Speak After the voice message has been played, the connection remains active and you can make an announcement.
intercom After the voice message has been played, the connection remains active and you can start a conversation.

If not all of these options are shown in the list, open the Loudspeaker and Microphone dialog and activate both the microphone and the speaker.

Camera Remote Control

Activate this option if the camera is supposed to react to touch tone phone commands.

This option is only available, if After the message has been sent is not set to Hangup.

Hangup Call After

Set the maximum connection time for a voice message.
Value range: 1 .. 10 minutes

This option is only available, if After the message has been sent is not set to Hangup.

Click Add new profile at the bottom of the dialog to create a new phone profile.

LED Signals When in VoIP/ISDN Mode

When using the VoIP/ISDN interfaces of the camera, the MOBOTIX camera's LED signal the following information, if the settings in the LED Setup dialog has been set to the default settings.

LED Signals When in VoIP/ISDN Mode:

If a voice connection has been established via the VoIP (SIP) or ISDN interfaces, the LEDs signal the following:

Storing the Configuration

Click on the Set button to activate your settings and to save them until the next reboot of the camera.

Click on the Close button to close the dialog. While closing the dialog, the system checks the entire configuration for changes. If changes are detected, you will be asked if you would like to store the entire configuration permanently.

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